
Ludovic Briet

Fishing instructor

N° Siret : 44808442600031.
RCP : 675047304 AN3S
Educateur Sportif N°DDJS : 07407ED0064
BPJEPS “Pêche” obtenu en 2005 en France.

Membre de l’aapl74
English spoken.

Professional of Fishing Education since 2003, Field Tester and Fishing Author, I propose fishing courses in the river for the native trout and fishing courses on lake Geneva for pike, perch, char and whitefish.

During our contact, my role is to advise you on your fishing course and to bring you upgrades in the fishing techniques you choose to progress. To go fishing with the professional that I am is to acquire the right technical gestures, to enrich one’s knowledge and to have a good time in the heart of nature.

My fishing course and trainings contain all the information to improve your knowledge in fly fishing, natural baits and lures fishing. This transmission of knowledge and know-how is the backbone of my job as a fishing guide instructor !

To get to the simplest, my role as a teacher is to teach you how to use lures, make a fly fishing line, analyze the posts of a river or lake, explain the workings of aquatic environments, catch fish and release it to graze the species… For the more seasoned, it’s looking for the fish that make you dream.

Conscientious, I propose fishing course and trainings in “tailor-made”. To make the most of your fishing, I supervise individual or in small groups of up to 2 to 3 person who know each other. Saving time in learning fishing technics, learning the right things to succeed alone and having a real moment of relaxation means using my skills and knowledge as a sports teacher in fishing.

Looking forward to meeting you in my fishing courses, your fishing Guide and Monitor, Ludovic.

Tentés par l'aventure ? Faites votre choix et réservez dès à présent votre journée ou stage de pêche.

Prix journalier en rivière de Haute-Savoie (8h)

350 euro en individuel,
puis 250 euro par stagiaire – base 2 pers.,
puis 225 euro par stagiaire – base 3 pers. qui viennent ensemble.

Prix journalier en rivière d'Ain, Savoie, Isère et du Jura (8h)

450 euro en individuel,
puis 300 euro par stagiaire – base 2 pers., puis 250 euro par stagiaire – base 3 pers. qui viennent ensemble.

Prix journalier en bateau sur le Léman au depart du port de Sciez (8h)

450 euro en individuel,
puis 300 euro par stagiaire – base 2 pers., puis 250 euro par stagiaire – base 3 pers. qui viennent ensemble.