River fishing

The rivers where I teach brown trout and grayling technics all have one thing in common, their wild scenery and their indigenous population. The rivers and streams of Haute-Savoie, Savoie,  Ain, Isere and Jura are among the most beautiful in France and Europe. Powerfull, fresh and clear, they have water all year round thanks to melting snow and saving rains spread over the year.

In my company and depending on the season, you will fish in the Dranse d’Abondance, the Dranse de Morzine, the Brevon, the Borne, the Fier, the Cheran, the Giffre, the Menoge, the Filière, the Risse, the Arve, the Upper Rhone but also the Albarine, the Lower River of Ain, the Lower Bienne and the Isère.
They contain strains of Mediterranean brown trout and native grayling.
Some subjects reach record sizes, up to 50 cm but most of the time, fishes of about 25 cm are caught. The fishing days and courses are all carried out in “catch and release” to perpetuate the endemic species.

Fishing courses are :

  • Initiation to the fly fishing of brown trout and/or grayling,
  • Fly fishing with dry, nymp, streamer… in river or moutain lake
  • Initiation to the natural baits fishing (toc) of brown trout and/or grayling,
  • Initiation to fishing lure of brown trout.
  • hardbait and softbait fishing

Main objective of the fishing day : Learn all the technical basics of the fishing method chosen to become independent.

Fishing trainings are :

  • Perfection to the fly fishing of brown trout and/or grayling
  • Perfection to the natural baits fishing (toc) of brown trout and/or grayling
  • Perfection to fishing lure of the brown trout

The main objectives of the fishing trainings : Master all the techniques, know how to establish the right patterns to succeed.

  • Specimen Hunting – 2 days mini – wild big brown trout according to the technique chosen in big river

The main objective of the fishing training : To understand and adapt to catch beautiful fish in the river.

  • Discovery, Initiation and Perfection in Salmonid methods – 4 days mini

Main objective of the fishing training : To make you happy by discovering the techniques that are fly, natural baits and lure fishing.

Daily price in the Haute-Savoie river (8h)

350 euros in individual,
then 250 euros per trainee – base 2 pers.,
then 225 euros per trainee – base 3 pers.
who come together.

Daily price in the river of Ain, Savoie, Isère and Jura (8h)

450 euros in individual,
then 300 euros per trainee – base 2 pers.,
then 250 euros per trainee – base 3 pers.
who come together.